The Quintessential Story

Our journey started with a strive to understand skin. Too many skincare products promise a quick fix. They use light-enhancing particles to give the false appearance of radiance and instant plumping agents to temporarily reduce lines. These need to be re-applied constantly to work, and your skin remains deprived of the building blocks it needs to truly look its best. We asked, what active ingredients have a real, lasting effect on common concerns such as dry or oily skin? When we want fewer lines, more radiance and a lasting glow—what does our skin actually need?

It turns out that skin cells are no different to any other cell in the body. They need the same goodness to sustain their natural processes—the same vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fats and energy present in what we eat. They’re the same compounds that nourish the rest of our bodies, so when we’re deficient in them, it makes sense that our skin cells struggle to thrive.

Quintessential is our solution to nourishing every skin cell in your body. Our moisturiser contains no artificial plumping agents or filler. It’s designed for all skin types, providing a unique blend of essential nutrients which give your skin everything it needs to thrive and look its best for longer. A concoction of perfectly balanced, natural ingredients, Quintessential is the ultimate formula for crease-free, vibrant skin. We believe that when your skin cells have all the nutrients they need, they’ll do the rest, naturally.

But we’re not stopping there. We want to revolutionise skincare industry by educating people about what real skin health needs.


Not all vitamin C's are made equal


The most overlooked ingredient in skincare